plurklayout says
15 years ago
I have begin to do some quote layouts and abstract layouts.
latest #16
ELAINE; says
15 years ago
15 years ago
do u have hello kitty layouts?
nathashaluv says
15 years ago
that's good. cant wait for some nice quote layouts.
plurklayout says
15 years ago
ElaineBOO, will show u some eg when done. meowceline, we do have some hello kitty layouts at
ELAINE; says
15 years ago
woah! so fast!
{J}oeeyy'♥ says
15 years ago
do layout like my this plurk layout ! Would definitely dl and use , just suggesting , dun have to do if you dun want to.
plurklayout says
15 years ago
Huiyu, thanks for the suggestion. :-)
mikachu says
15 years ago
can you include this to your quote layout that your making? "Love isn't BLIND its sees but HARD to find" :-)
plurklayout says
15 years ago
mika021, thanks for the suggestion. We will try to include them as well.
angelberry_16 says
15 years ago
can i make a request??
plurklayout says
15 years ago
angelberry_16, yup..if it is quote and abstract layouts.
angelberry_16 says
15 years ago
okay i'll think of the best quotes i could give and i wanted my name to be included...
plurklayout says
15 years ago
angelberry_16, We can't include any names on the layouts cos the layouts will be used by everyone.
angelberry_16 says
15 years ago
yaya clumsy says
15 years ago
greatt ;D im looking frward fr your coming layouts XD
plurklayout says
15 years ago
They are ready !! The rest of the quote layouts will be uploaded asap.
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