digross1 says
15 years ago
I really wish I knew the truth about all the healthcare reform. I just know I want affordable, quality healthcare when I need it :-D
latest #8
15 years ago
As a Canadian who works in the US (& is also privately covered under my employee plan), what Obama is pushing now is a good & reasonable 1st
nkrahn says
15 years ago
I couldn't agree more. Even the rumor of being punished or fined for not being able to afford the government plan scares me!
15 years ago
step for US health care reform. Not just for you, but for US society.
nkrahn says
15 years ago
All I want is something that I can afford that I don't have to mortgage my financial future on.
15 years ago
I often tell folks the difference between Americans and Canadians boil down to the preambles to our constitutions.
15 years ago
US - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -> all individual goals.
15 years ago
Cda - peace, order and good government -> all collective goals.
brina1300 says
15 years ago
we need it and have to do something. This is a terrible system we have now it is literally killing us.
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