Senator Joe Wilson (R - SC) yelled out, "YOU LIE!" when The Obamatron said illegal immigrants won't be covered, like they aren't now. Right.
wait, senators are heckling? wtf is this, the UK?
Apparently, The Obamatron hasn't been to an Emergency Room in Texas - especially at the larger, inner city, or trauma centers . . . Heh.
I think its awesome, actually. The Republican response has started out quite well! I'm shocked. may be something actually worth checking out. Congressman Charles Bustani (R-LA) actually laid it bare quite nicely.
illegal immigrants *aren't* covered. What you're looking at is that hospitals can't just let people die who walk through their doors.
Yeah, it's a loophole. The hospitals have to only stabilize a person without coverage, illegals, whatever. But they're so afraid of getting
sued out of existence that even if someone comes in with something that doesn't really require more than maybe a GP visit, if that, they're
not getting turned away. Just the opposite - they're going to get a lot more than they probably need. All because hospitals don't wanna risk
getting the shite sued out of them. I can't blame them, really, but it's bullshit. Just like The Obamatron saying they won't be covered. Heh
Didn't Obama say that illegals won't be able to buy insurance? I thought that's what he meant when he said "not covered."
Come to think of it, wouldn't it be cheaper for tax payers if illegals were required to buy health insurance?
Then you might as well just hand them citizenship with it . . . And while I'm the result of immigrant offspring, I don't think that's cool.
And he said that the opposite, actually: They're not gonna be able to, or so his speech transcript says.
Yeah, he said they won't be covered. It's just that, as things stand, taxpayers are paying for illegals' health care, aren't they?
so they won't be able to buy insurance, but we'll be required to or pay fines.
Muttley: It doesn't make sense to me either. I mean, illegals get a kind of social security number so they can pay taxes.
I think it's also an issue of public health. You wouldn't want illegals walking around with TB or H1N1.