blackmasterdp says
15 years ago
I did nine good things... nine bad things... and nine things in the middle... what are you going to do on 090909... (rock)
latest #9
trixbear8 says
15 years ago
uhm, to start with go to the grocery :-D
trixbear8 says
15 years ago
for the $.99 sale
trixbear8 says
15 years ago
i'll have to think about that
blackmasterdp says
15 years ago
not $.99 it should be $9.99... :-)
trixbear8 says
15 years ago
i prefer the $.99 ;-)
blackmasterdp says
15 years ago
don't we all so that means you must have gone to the $.99 store and bought 99 things... :-D
trixbear8 says
15 years ago
no not yesterday. it was one of our grocery stores. stocked up on some stuff like oatmeal
blackmasterdp says
15 years ago
that's good now I know that you won't be hungry...
trixbear8 says
15 years ago
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