andryjoenovaliano is
15 years ago
watching 2012 and District 9 on DVD, yay (woot)
latest #6
indrutsianakgembala says
15 years ago
2012 uda bgs blm joe? Pinjem dung. Btw,tar buka puasa ma ank2 di suis butcher plago. Dtg yak
15 years ago
2012 ttg apa joe?
andryjoenovaliano says
15 years ago
2012 tentang doomsday gitu..gambarnya udah bagus..tapi ceritanya sucks..yang district 9 gambarnya udah ori sama text-nya, cool!!
nino.rd™ says
15 years ago
D9 gw uda n0nt0n d fx n wow..such a story it's ..jempol lah dr gw hahaha
andryjoenovaliano says
15 years ago
yeah, cool movie. it turns out great, hehe
15 years ago
Kira2 district 10 ada crtna ga ya? Kan chris ktna mw blk lg n wiki uda jd full prawn gt hehe
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