15 years ago
(LOL)pierced her ear yesterday! 8th one
latest #25
Saphybitch. asks
15 years ago
Is it full house? Where did you pierce your ears at? (:
♥;AHG says
15 years ago
hahah yeah damn nice :} i pierced at bits and pieces :}
Saphybitch. says
15 years ago
My. Do you know that only 77th Street, X-Craft and those experienced body-arts shops are good @ piercing bones? I mean, heliX-(s) & all.
Saphybitch. says
15 years ago
heliX-(s) *
Saphybitch. says
15 years ago
helix (s) *
♥;AHG says
15 years ago
hahaha i didnt know!!! die i go bits&pieces :{ hey you pierce alot alr right! :}
Saphybitch. asks
15 years ago
Huh? How'd you know? Hmm, did your piercing swell?
♥;AHG says
15 years ago
heh cuz you seem so experienced!!! :}
♥;AHG says
15 years ago
oh and nope it didnt swell up good thing, last time when i first pierced cartilage it was swollen :{
Saphybitch. says
15 years ago
Hah. I've got quite a number of piercings, and eight holes on my left ear! ^5 th nineth one close. ):
Saphybitch. says
15 years ago
Well, actually if you do not sleep on th ear you pierced it will recover fast. But I just ignored because it was comfy so I slept anyhow.
♥;AHG says
15 years ago
haha yeah hurts to sleep on tht side where just pierced. sometime comb hair also hit it :{
KF =) says
15 years ago
KF =) says
15 years ago
Saphybitch. says
15 years ago
Pain. But no pain no gain, bodyarts are th secks. Heehee.
KF =) says
15 years ago
OMG OMG I didn't even pierce my earlobe I peifu those who pierced oher places
♥;AHG says
15 years ago
HAHAHAHAH you peifu both of us then :}
KF =) says
15 years ago
YA! =) but must be super careful lah my mum don't let me pierce hee =)
♥;AHG says
15 years ago
hahaha :}}}}
Saphybitch. says
15 years ago
Secretly pierce! (:
KF =) says
15 years ago
15 years ago
nice i pierced my ear earlier this summer for the first time :-D (.)(.)' left ear on the top front LD
Saphybitch. asks
15 years ago
15 years ago
y not its sweet
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