I bet hes going be back after everything dies down. WHATS A GROUP WITH NO LEADER? Myspace is BULL for Weenys!
People shouldnt dig out old stuff and start blaming the dude too..
I hope so too. Antis, I hope they die.
Wait, can you tell me the whole story?..
I'm not updated with 2pm, story..
Ok, basically some stupid antis dig up his past comments on his MySpace.
It's 4 years back. A freaking 4 years! He's just like 18 years old? Of cos he'll be a lil immatured.
He said that 'Koreans are gay" "I want to go back america soon"
That's cos nobody is by his side and he feel lonely. I admit he's in the wrong, but c'mon, it's the past! Can't they just give him 1 chance?
They even made a petition "Jaebum shld commit suicide" -_-
Okay I know now.. Just read it, thanks anyway. :]
They better die. Its dumb to dig out past shit and all and blame him.
Yeah. So are they happy now? HA. They seem to regret. OMG, is that just a game? It's too late!
Yea! Like, Hello, if you guys thought it was oh so 'FUN'. Why are you guys regretting that the dudes off now?
Ya totally! And they still think it's cool for him to 'receive his punishment'. Zz. He alr apologized, what more do they want?
It's the 1st time he made a mistake and I'm sure he wouldnt do this anymore in the future.
Yea. He better watch his moves next time.. If the dude doesnt come back, 2Pm is in trouble..
Idk about that, but I hope he will come back soon! 2pm isnt 2pm w/o him!
YUP! Any team wouldnt be like the usual self without a leader there. If BB had no G-Dragon, They'll fall..
Yeah. He was chosen to be the leader because he has the potential and he really does have! So noone can ever replace him. I doubt any of
the members will do that.
Yup. No leader to keep everyone under control and all..
Yeah. Sigh~ JYP doesn't know how to handle this properly.
Yea.. I hope everything works well after this. Fans and antis should just let the matter rest for now so he may be back..
Yeah, I'll pray hard! Wish that those Netizens and antis can shut their bloody mouth from now on.
And is G-dragon being accused for plagiarizing?
Yea. Its TOTALLY DUMB SHIT. My album came in today and I reviewed it. ITS TOTALLY NOT TRUE.
Lol. There's a serious problem with Koreans huh? Which songs don't copy. I mean the tune. As long as the lyrics and feeling is diff, I don't
see what's the problem with that.
Yea. Some people really can bullshit abt things. I think so too!
They're really narrow minded. Start to despise them. OH NO, I can't say bad things about them
