slTeck says
15 years ago
vege say i din have quality topic for her to respond wor..what is a quality topic??
latest #22
15 years ago
xiao di di !!!
15 years ago
u open a topic about my latest xiao di di then that one is a quality topic for me to plurk.
slTeck says
15 years ago
haha..lolz..who is ur xiao didi..^^
15 years ago
wahahah, i will so stupid tell u all meh~?
slTeck says
15 years ago
lolz..tell la tell la..i wont tell KL ok??hahaha
catherineloo says
15 years ago
i oso wont tell
15 years ago
then i rather tell kl also dun wan to tell u all ~hahaha, i wan to protect my xiao didi, if not u all go ''diap'' him~
slTeck says
15 years ago
Zzz..diap ur head la..xiao di di i not ngam de..xiao mei mei maybe ...hahaha
15 years ago
i suspect ur xing qu xiang very long time ago d la~~~
15 years ago
unless u prove to me then i will reveal my xiao didi to you my goodfren
slTeck says
15 years ago
haha..vege, u though i dunno u wan to trap me a..i m not lawyer, but i m a debater le..wakaka.. (dance)
15 years ago
HAHAHAHAHA.....sifu guo ran is sifu (worship)
slTeck says
15 years ago
haha..welcome welcome..haha.. :-))
slTeck says
15 years ago
next time put more effort on setting trap ya..akakk
15 years ago
u see i set at where, i let u earn karma ler~~~
catherineloo says
15 years ago
since i so good. nah help you earn karma :-P
slTeck says
15 years ago
haha..yeah..thanks vege n cat..both of u really good..wakaka
15 years ago
slt u dun jia jia wipe my shoe la...hahah.... i not that good better!!! (LOL)
catherineloo says
15 years ago
of course la :-P haha
slTeck says
15 years ago, let u know bian le..u r my good frend ma..i sure count u in in everytihng d..i wont betray my good frend de.w.akaka
15 years ago
(drinking) 友情真可贵
slTeck says
15 years ago
yeah.. (dance) frendship forever :-P
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