ardnekeener is
15 years ago
going to murder her roommate!!!! X-(
latest #10
azsky13 says
15 years ago
need help disposing of the body?
ardnekeener says
15 years ago
yes, yes i do.
NurseRatchett says
15 years ago
you just have to set down some groundrules and if she doesn't like it tell her to move out. YOU might have to be "the bitch" this time!!
NurseRatchett says
15 years ago
then we'll help you bury the body. Anyone have a woodchipper???
azsky13 says
15 years ago
woodchipper... just a little messy...
KusterJr says
15 years ago
how about acid?
azsky13 says
15 years ago
yes, much better...
NurseRatchett says
15 years ago
I say both. Little pieces dissolve faster!!
azsky13 says
15 years ago
Yeah, but then you still have to clean up the woodchipper. Can't leave any evidence around.
KusterJr says
15 years ago
...that doesn't sound like fun - plus, if you pour acid over the whole body, you get to watch it bubble and fizz longer
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