frida asks
16 years ago
UKstevieB and other users of Animoto, if there are others websites like it ?
UKStevieB thinks
16 years ago is one of a kind, though you can do similar but less advanced things in your Windows Movie Maker application :-)
frida says
16 years ago
(woot) Movie maker ? I think Animoto is very slow, sometimes it's to wait and wait for downloads like today.
frida says
16 years ago
;-) but thank you, I will see if I can find it in windows, but you know me and computers (s_LOL)
frida says
16 years ago
you know like grand mums and telephones.
UKStevieB thinks
16 years ago
Animoto is very slow, but they do a lot of work making the video, it is a very complicated programme