It also doesn't show any of my friends. Whatup plurk?
latest #15
I only show you as having 1 friend - follow will show you people, friends have to accept first
they all asked me to be friends and i asked them and we all accepted. still doesn't show up.
they say in the FAQs that it is not instant, i think. i'm ok with a little lag time, but not a freeze out
I really like the updates to chats --- but I'm REALLY going to hate it when it scales up to twitlevels
tothink, try refreshing your profile page, that has been working for me
my friends are showing up, profile still won't change (hitting save sends it back to pre-change version)
that's frustrating...are you on pownce too?
Twitter would be nicer with auto updates and the ability to track conversations
let's breed plurk and twitter
lol I am getting increasingly pissed off w/pownce. Gonna give up soon.
what is your user name on pownce?
i just friended you on pownce you can probably check out friends of friends on their to find some other tweeters
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