I like this small island. It's pretty cute, but I am getting tired of the same food every day ><
latest #16
enjoy it while you can, it's not like when you return, it would be any better = =
I am thinking about moving to this area =p
The water is so clear and it feels so nice ><
i totally understand how you feel, just like i wish i could return to Krabi again!!
妍~妳現在到底在singapore or malaysia?
well ~~~旅遊要帶的東西之一,....就是泡麵
yvonne 妳媽媽今天打給我 我嚇一跳 本來以為妳翹家....妳過的好嗎? 希望妳在那個世界過的很好 我很難過 不敢相信 失去了一個好朋友 妳要乖乖照顧自己 知道嗎
one year has passed since you left
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