Cap'n Plurk shares
16 years ago
latest #25
16 years ago
*cough* douche *cough*
Cap'n Plurk
16 years ago
That's right.
Cap'n Plurk
16 years ago
Well. Its not a secret.
16 years ago
16 years ago
Cap'n Plurk
16 years ago
MY answer to that cartoon question, is almost always **YES**
16 years ago
almost always? you're slacking
Cap'n Plurk
16 years ago
Wait. let's recall. Is there anyone that I have had sex with in the past two years that I haven't blogged about at least once???
Cap'n Plurk
16 years ago
HAHAHAHA - By golly there is!
16 years ago
yep there is 7 that I can count
Cap'n Plurk
16 years ago
wait a mintue. IMHO I think groups should count as ONE.
Cap'n Plurk
16 years ago
Oh yeah. Seven. I can count after all.
16 years ago
being a writer I let everyone know that they are open season...
Cap'n Plurk
16 years ago
YUP. I think people should EXPECT that I am going to write about them.
16 years ago
if someone would write a blog after sleepin with me it would be on big blog of nothing by my name followed by a lot of "lol's"
16 years ago
yep especially certain ppl TheCaptain
16 years ago
hell, at least they're good for something, right?
16 years ago
junkmale says
16 years ago
I guess I need to work on my pick-up lines. "Hey baby, wanna discover that there really are fates worse than death?"
16 years ago
that's a good one, junkmale, I'm using it...
16 years ago
the good borrow, the great steal...
16 years ago
junkmale says
16 years ago
Feel free! It works well with, "I'd love to hear you scream. Pleasure's easier but I'm not picky."
16 years ago
we will get along just fine, my friend... ;-)
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