notes that it's 12:26. she doesn't want to sleep tonight. the nap earlier brought that <strike>stupidly</strike> cute dream of Mukuro-sama.
latest #16
does not want to unravel herself.
we've all been having some interesting dreams lately. :3
^^ But I hope you still slept well?
Interesting dreams? I've dreamt about more of the same. >D
back. "... you've dreamed of your Xanxus as a cat?"
Hell no! Why'd you think that? o_O
you said you also had interesting dreams. And Xanxus is your master...
I still don't get it. O_o
he probably dreamt killing 9999999 versions of Yamamoto... or something.
or he's probably dreaming about me and is not over me... AT ALL.
... ah?! oh, um... okay...
back then, I could say that as a fact. But I'm not so sure now since he could be just obsessing over his hair in his sleep.
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