InbredTexan thinks
15 years ago
a penguin would be a kick butt pet to have. (woot)
latest #11
15 years ago
hells yeah! I want a penguin! (wonders if they like North Texas summers (thinking))
15 years ago
and alwasy so well dressed :-)
Nethound says
15 years ago
Undoubtedly you have a couple of old freezers lying around. You could cut a hole in one and make a penguin house.
15 years ago
oooooo nice idea
Le Pumpkin says
15 years ago
Penguins are adorable <3
15 years ago
they just seem like polite animals, and would be good listeners. I don't know about fetching or security but I think they might work out.
15 years ago
I'd fill up one of them wading pools and put it in the front yard with lots of ice for it.
Nethound says
15 years ago
Some of them are pretty territorial, might be a good watch bird. One bit Linuns Torvalds you know....
15 years ago
yep got it I'll test him out on the sim first. lol
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