ephealy thinks
16 years ago
karma is stupid.
latest #13
digitaltodd says
16 years ago
yeah i don't even pay attention to it anymore
ephealy feels
16 years ago
the preoccupation with karma is unhealthy, and detracts from 'conversation'
Sociologist asks
16 years ago
even when it comes back to bite you on the butt?
ephealy asks
16 years ago
lurking to clarify. What do you mean?
Sociologist says
16 years ago
real karma
16 years ago
16 years ago
(s_dance) (s_dance) (s_dance) (s_dance) (s_dance)
16 years ago
bitching about karma got you a lot of karma though. Lots of responses = lots of karma. Sneaky bastard ;-)
16 years ago
didn't really think about it...
thehogshead says
16 years ago
without karma, I couldn't do this: (s_tongue)
alfredbonnabel says
16 years ago
it is an interesting gimick to encourage people to post often and be active. Truthfully, not really motivating me though.
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