tippip is
15 years ago
relaxing at home and amuses self with online antics...hahahaha
♥ bella ♥ says
15 years ago
tippip says
15 years ago
hehehe...jangan jeles my fren...got my jiran who stays two houses away from my house is doing her karaoke nite...patut la angin kuat..
tippip says
15 years ago
and she's giving me headache...dari tadi i balik from work melalak...wawawawa!
♥ bella ♥ says
15 years ago
lol!! can i join herrrrrr????
tippip says
15 years ago
waiseh...better don't! ur voice ada kelass lebih tinggi than hers. takut she tak glamer later since u amik her glameres...heheheheh