bidge is
16 years ago
freaking out at her computer!
latest #21
bidge says
16 years ago
On the upside, I just ran a script to change my keys around!... I hope I didn't break my computer!
bidge says
16 years ago
... hahah...Well it isn't broken *yet*, but I'm not going to do anything else for now... Crash courses hurt my head.
16 years ago
My keys are all mixed up, so I'm trying to fix them...
bidge says
16 years ago
Yesss rebooted, and I still exist! You had me pretty scared though.
bidge says
16 years ago
They came this way... The @ and " are mixed up... Also the £, ~ and ¬ are all the wrong keys.
bidge says
16 years ago
Blue screen of death? Yeah, that sounds pretty bad. That's when you start throwing things.
bidge says
16 years ago
Xandros... Some version of linux made for this Asus eee pc
bidge says
16 years ago
Still having difficulty performing the simple (you'd think?) task of installing a program...
bidge says
16 years ago
Bugger, it doesn't seem like anyone can!
bidge says
16 years ago
I reckon. I'll try again tomorrow when my brain's a little more awake. If you don't see me for a few weeks, you'll know why! hah!
bidge says
16 years ago
heheh... Yeah, that fixes a few things... Thanks :-P
bidge says
16 years ago
Okie dokes, I'm outta here... Thanks for your help! One of these days I'll figure out how to work these newfangled machines.
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