ArtFireJohn asks
14 years ago
r U using Rapid Cart or Facebook Kiosk yet?
latest #19
Em+Mad says
14 years ago
I wanted to tell you, that the FB kiosk, is like having 2 store fronts, 3 if you have a fan page for the price of 1 :-D
Just Jamie says
14 years ago
I loved it. It's almost as nice as our Studios!
Just Jamie says
14 years ago
Loved? I mean love, really, I still love it. lol
creativehaven says
14 years ago
my kiosk isn't working
Just Jamie says
14 years ago
creative, was it working at one time?
creativehaven says
14 years ago
not that I know of
Just Jamie says
14 years ago
creative, I just added you as a friend. Add me and I'll start a new chat.
Em+Mad says
14 years ago
I emailed Kevin, yesterday when I had a problem, he helped me fix it right away
Just Jamie says
14 years ago
Yep, Kevin is awesome, Him and Kyle fixed my issue in no time.
TeresaDKG says
14 years ago
I'm lost... I linked FB and added the app, but now I can't figure out how to find it to make it show up. *sigh* My brain.
Em+Mad says
14 years ago
go to the + in your tabs, and the app should be there
pinkcloudsandangels says
14 years ago
Yes, both pages. Now I have to work on putting things on the fan page.
M2bC says
14 years ago the RC on my blog and in other places and put the Kiosk up the other day (banana_rock)
14 years ago
Mine's up. Added blog and images to my fan page. LOVE LOVE LOVE AF!
TeresaDKG says
14 years ago
I figured it out for my own page, but was having trouble on my fan page - it's up now, though! :-)
creativehaven says
14 years ago
added u
ArtFireJohn says
14 years ago
here is the Facebook Kiosk guide
ArtFireJohn says
14 years ago
you can also chat with us in this forum thread for help with installing Facebook Kiosk
Willow says
14 years ago
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