youtube link ke? uitm blocks youtube during office hours
eh? its not youtube... some other islamic website...
really? no way to circumvent?
dunno. mayb i'll try later
wht is the time now there?
u don't want to get back to sleep? or is it wayy past time?
chasing me away i see...
i thought u r
abt ur email, ill reply to it sometime later k
me n ,my friends are planning a special buka puasa
today...hmm finish work that is overdue... catch up on reading Quran...
and rest and go for prayers at night.
maybe some cooking here and there.
cooking here n there? how is tht?
like for iftar or sahur...hehehe
i'll do some calculations, prepare things for tomorrow's experiment, n go out with friends for iftar
u like cooking? wht is ur favorite dish?
only cook because i have to.
favourite dish? hmmm anything that tastes good actually.
don't they hv restaurants there? or is it bcoz of economical reasons?
huh? of course they do! hehehe
but to buy out everyday would be 1) boring 2) costly.