OrlandoFC wonders
16 years ago
if one can work for the government and still do freelance journalism....
latest #13
DangerousAl says
16 years ago
depends on the agency policy. But I'm 99% that they won't allow you.
OrlandoFC thinks
16 years ago
that sucks... so I have to pick one...
OrlandoFC thinks
16 years ago
I'll work for the gov't a few years and then become a journo
kayboogie asks
16 years ago
OrlandoFC what kind of journalism he wants to do?
DangerousAl says
16 years ago
depends on the agency. Most government agencies have their policy posted online. You can check.
OrlandoFC says
16 years ago
that's a good idea.
OrlandoFC shares
16 years ago
I want to do some investigative journalism on international relations. Why some countries choose to align with anothers
OrlandoFC shares
16 years ago
that and I want to do sports journalism freelance also. Soccer is my passion
kayboogie says
16 years ago
that's ambitious. Follow your dreams! :-)
kayboogie wants
16 years ago
(wanted) to be a sideline sports reporter
OrlandoFC thinks
16 years ago
if more of the world loved soccer there would be less wars.
OrlandoFC loves
16 years ago
OrlandoFC loves
16 years ago
and football (GO PHINS! Don't hate)
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