16 years ago
scored 95% masculine on a feminine/masculine traits test in college sociology.
latest #15
loribourne says
16 years ago
To be fair, it was based on society's ideas of what traits are masculine and feminine.
loribourne says
16 years ago
Obviously personality traits aren't inherently either masc. or fem. Just people's perception.
loribourne says
16 years ago
I was delighted! It helped me understand why some people were always put off by me.
loribourne says
16 years ago
Basically, it means that I'm agressive, ambitious, outspoken, unafraid of authority, and confident.
loribourne says
16 years ago
All things that society views as masculine.
loribourne says
16 years ago
hmm, it was 1993. I'm 36. There, I said it. And yes, that was a (ahem) few years ago...
loribourne says
16 years ago
...but you'd be surprised at how stereotypes persist. Read any Digg comments lately? :-o
loribourne says
16 years ago
Are you replying to my plurks just to get karma? How dare you! JK.
loribourne says
16 years ago
I know, that's why the "just kidding". And how WAY younger? Just how old are you?
loribourne says
16 years ago
Well, my grandfather is 105 (106 in August) so really, we're both quite young.
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