thinking whether she'd go in to see the others or not...
(....See, now because of runesque's fanart, I am SO TEMPTED TO BUILD ON 1896.)
(shot for that, and retreats.)
finds Chrome loitering around in one of the hallways.
thinks 16 years ago
What is it with today and random Guardians? And he still hasn't seen Gokudera or gotten a straight answer out of Yamamoto.
(O lulz. Random Guardians. *is still here because her grandma's still changing! 8D*)
momentarily startled by Tsuna's appearance, but recovers and notices his haggardness.
Tsuna a kiss on the cheek *chu* ( x3 )
G-good morning. Um. What are you doing here?
*clutches her bag and shrugs* I couldn't find Chikusa and Ken.
... and I was wondering if you'd seen Mukuro-sama around?
shook his head. "Err. Not today, no. But he dropped by the house last night."
Oh! Ah... is he well? What did he say, boss?
what he was doing at the boss' place last night. But decides not to ask.
He looked all right. *remembers what Mukuro did and makes a face* =_= He was certainly acting normally.
He also said a lot of weird things... but he likes doing that to mess with my mind, so it's nothing to be concerned over.
looked at the girl apologetically. "I'm sorry, I don't know where he is right now. He usually just... pops up. Ken or Chikusa, too."
nods. *I... know what you mean* she thinks but, again, keeps silent. She was used to being left alone anyway...
It's okay. I'll find them...
now puts a hand against Tsuna's forehead
are you feeling okay boss? You look... haggard
Ah. I... didn't get enough sleep last night.
... I'll be all right.
Thank you for worrying.
pauses, and takes her hand away.
Okay. I'll... I'll be going then. You still have classes.
... Um. Y-you should come around more often?
We haven't seen you in a while.
a bit stunned. She nods her reply
S-sure. If you say so, boss.
(l-lunch for me. brb! :3)
W-well, then. I won't keep you... Err. Will you be fine on your own?
I'll see you, then.
hurries off, but she has a small smile on her face ^^