how is dvda possible logistically?
i just found out about this and cannot picture it
there probably is pictures if you look
all i'm finding is a crappy rock band that is related to south park
k I dont even know what this is, and I should probably mute this plurk before someone tells me.
its nearly impossible, think about it
Isle, nothing this bad, double vaginal double anal
how you are so fascinated by this you replurked it
it is a myth. it cannot be done
notes many things in porn are mythical.
you were not telling me how it could be done
i decided it needed a broader audience
i am fascinated because IT CANNOT BE DONE
of course I wasn't. Why do you think I'm the expert on weird sexual practices?
yep.. double anal OR double vaginal, yes. but not both at the same time. unless you have 2 of the guys with impossibly long dicks. and even.
i took off safe search and the closest i got was 5 guys, one gal, but no orifices were doubly penetrated
well the subject matter rev
I thought maybe it would be sensitive
notes that this is the most popular plurk on his timeline
that if he wants more karma he should plurk about bizarre unlikely sexual acts.
well the concept is kindof meh except for the logistics which fascinate me. how is it there's a term for something that is impossible
maybe it referred to soemthing other than what you are thinking... but I am not going to type it here.
no it did not refer to something other than that
not freely distributable!
most I could find was 3 at time not all 4. the google fails me
no it refers to them at the same time
oh hang on i'll send you a linky talyn
i think its one of those things they do just to take a picture. Doesn't seem logical for sheer sport
Since when is porn logical?
glorious porn. making people do odd things for $$ so that we may google and spankwire them
um that diagram shows peni bending
hard to sustain an erection i'd imagine
I just snorted outloud in my office and scared the librarian
some are just bent correctly for the experience. I think they make them that way. Kinda like bonsai.
i have seen many in my life and NONE were bent that way
you are just makin stuff up now leezard
I did not just google "bent cock" DID NOT
I have seen a bent one or two
one was really particular.
yes it is
this plurk has 69 replies
I ruin everything
please tell me you made that diagram, Lippman...
this thread is full of so much WIN. I may have a WINGASM!
you don't have one with the aid of 4 others
<-----------------filthy neko
Raven is correct. it was the logistics that bothered me.
i mean if you can do it -- more power to you!
of course I did not make that diagram
mine would have had at least one dood with an afro, slippers on the gal, and one dood with an eye patch
late to this plurk but i think it's possible... just that all 5 parties involved have to be VERY flexible