queenmaggie has
14 years ago
Had her mammogram today. I HATE doing those things: not because of pain, or fear, but simply the attitude of the techs.
latest #19
14 years ago
hasn't had one in years.
14 years ago
got lucky. I've only had one (I'm only 36) but the tech was so nice I was laughing at her. It's not *that* scary. And I'm lucky in a way
14 years ago
that I have very flabby breasts. Flattening them out doesn't hurt a bit. That's what happens when you go from a DD to an A, naturally.
14 years ago
It doesn't hurt: but I want to know that they'll be at least glanced at (and I'll be notified) if anything is glaringly wrong. And they're
14 years ago
all "oh, no, the doctor won't even look at them until; we have the old ones to compare to" I sent for the old ones weeks ago, and they
14 years ago
haven't arrived yet. Nor do I know if/when they might: med folks tend to do things in their own damn time. It's that What tell you anything?
14 years ago
attitude that pisses me off with Xray techs.
14 years ago
Roo says
14 years ago
Ah yeah, that. I'm so used to that that it shocks me when a tech says anything to me about the test. I guess I'm just Tested Out.
ktnboo says
14 years ago
Maggie, Legally they CAN'T tell you anything, even if something is glaringly wrong.
ktnboo says
14 years ago
they're not trained to read the films, so even if they know HOW to read them, it's a huge liability for them to say anything.
14 years ago
I know. Both my Dad and my Sister are superstar radiologists. I know they can't but I still hate it. it doesn't seem right that they do this
14 years ago
then let you stew. You go in, to my mind that makes you their patient: my folks say, no , you're the patient of the ordering doctor. But I'm
14 years ago
not even talking about the tech saying anything: I'm saying that they said that they would not be even *looked at* until the old ones to
14 years ago
to compare with got there. Even though no one knows when that might be. There should at least be a minimum screening, even i you can't do
14 years ago
everything. I just despise the whole medical system. Not the individual doctors and nurses: Lots of good ones out there. But the set up is
14 years ago
such that they can't do what's right, and they have to CYA way too often.
ktnboo says
14 years ago
I agree that it sucks that they won't even screen your results without having the prior films.
14 years ago
and the CYA aspect causes more problems than it solves 9/10
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