Skinkie asks
15 years ago
, based on what you know about me, should I do a counselling course or a Games Design course?
latest #16
15 years ago
The counselling course is 15 weeks part-time, with opportunity to extend to a degree
15 years ago
The Games design is a 2 yr diploma covering 3D Studio Max, Maya and the like
Summer says
15 years ago
I dont know you, but I think its a question of what you want to do, what you have a passion for and what you think you can do as a career
Summer says
15 years ago
if you really like what you're doing then chances are you'll have more enthusiasm and also what makes you feel good to accomplish
Peter says
15 years ago
15 years ago
Well, counselling would complement my career "to date" well, and I have already been offered a job for which it would be useful
15 years ago
but... I love design and would like more than anything to properly learn 3D design. My head says xounselling, my heart says Design
Summer says
15 years ago
Its your life, and you have only one of it. You could always do the counseling, then the art program
Summer says
15 years ago
I always think following your heart is the best, but there is always consequences for every decision, even sensible ones
15 years ago
I would say follow your heart. I followed my head first and it was *horrible*. Then I followed my heart and wondered why I'd been so dumb :-P
15 years ago
speaking as a prof counselling psychologist i agree with Beu -- if it isn't in your heart you would be wasting your time
15 years ago
thanks guys - I'm still thinking and talking it through but i think I'm going to go with my heart
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