weltonhong has
15 years ago
sponsored one more kid today from 3rd world country... total of 8 now:-)
latest #11
myopik says
15 years ago
wow... what program do you go thorough to do that?
weltonhong says
15 years ago
they are pretty good, get personal letters from the kids pretty frequently
❤ DOU says
15 years ago
too many kids lah.. you can sponsore me ;-)
weltonhong says
15 years ago
can u survive with $22/month?
myopik says
15 years ago
sometimes i wander how much of that money actually goes to the kids and how much of it goes to the management who sponsor the program
smartfish0324 says
15 years ago
I guess choose a good organization is really important then.
smartfish0324 says
15 years ago
And when you pick one that's trusty to you, don't think about where the money goes afterwards but keep in mind someone will get help from u
smartfish0324 says
15 years ago
❤ DOU says
15 years ago
i can surive a day on that :-P
weltonhong says
15 years ago
it's $22/month.. not $22/day ok:-P
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