d_silmarilion says
15 years ago
why do all good things come to an end?
latest #12
15 years ago
supaya ada good things yang baru lagi
15 years ago
sonnenvogel says
15 years ago
sonnenvogel says
15 years ago
d_silmarilion says
15 years ago
:-D hueheheheheheheh iyaya
d_silmarilion says
15 years ago
hmm..tapi kalau good things berlangsung terus asik juga kali ya
15 years ago
adrianliem km ngapain ikut2??!!
sonnenvogel wants
15 years ago
to take the lead, but keduluan
15 years ago
:-D *watch this*
d_silmarilion says
15 years ago
hmm?lihat apa ce??
15 years ago
hahaha... itu omongannya di game World Worm Party kalo mau nembakin misil (LOL)
d_silmarilion says
15 years ago
oooo hueheheheheheheheee kiran apaan to, wong gak ada apa2 sing isa disawang (LOL)
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