BEAR says
15 years ago
LARP was good last night. Met some really cool people and played a little. I had to leave early though because I am a bit of a pussy :-P
latest #11
Grimlock says
15 years ago
I'm glad it went well! Do you think it'll be something you'll do regularly? Does Adriann have a new character?
Goblin★King says
15 years ago
FIND OUT NEXT WEEK! *announcervoice*
Paperdoll says
15 years ago
heheh glad you had fun Jo
BEAR says
15 years ago
Yeah, I think I am going to make this a regular thing. And yes, Adriann has a new character who I didn't get to meet In Character.
BEAR says
15 years ago
But it was all really good fun. Lots and lots of geeks mixed in with a healthy dose of arsty types :-)
Grimlock says
15 years ago
That's really cool :-D I figured it would make more sense to you than I did! So are you going to keep the same character or make a new one?
Paperdoll says
15 years ago
wait you are LARPing it? I thought you were a tabletop player...*backs cautiously away from the LARPer*
Goblin★King says
15 years ago
He's begun LARPing. O_O
Paperdoll says
15 years ago
Run Fal Run.....
Goblin★King says
15 years ago
Well he's already a Drama kid, so.. if it leaks into real life I'll just smack him upside the head again. :-D
Paperdoll says
15 years ago
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