joannageary is
16 years ago
in Canary Wharf and wondering what to do next...
latest #20
joannageary says
16 years ago
on my own?
joannageary hopes
16 years ago
that's because of a kindly expression and friendly demeanor. (LOL)
markmedia says
16 years ago
go get some perhaps? (s_dance)
joannageary says
16 years ago
get some...??? Food? Drink? Wholesome entertainment?
markmedia says
16 years ago
ohhhh Wholesome entertainment...wot dat?
markmedia says
16 years ago
go buy an Asus Eee PC 900. That will cheer you up no end
joannageary says
16 years ago
it would - not sure where I'd get one here. Might order it on the web tho...
alisongow says
16 years ago
you can always fire up the laptop and drink while you plurk. Then you'll have loads of company (g_drinking)
markmedia says
16 years ago
Tottenham Court Road. Saw a couple earlier today. Black of course
joannageary says
16 years ago
hmmm... I might go there then. Forgetten my laptop powerpack so will run out of juice soon. :-(
joannageary says
16 years ago
And is it wrong to prefer the white Asus Eees?
markmedia says
16 years ago
so verrrrry verrry wrong (s_dance)
markmedia says
16 years ago
dut the blue top was a little cute
joannageary says
16 years ago
blue top?
markmedia says
16 years ago
it had a white case with a sky blur lip. Cute
markmedia says
16 years ago
that would be sky blue lid
joannageary says
16 years ago
oh, haven't seen one of them
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