Kiza is
15 years ago
latest #22
Ashley says
15 years ago
what do you mean by that?
Kiza is
15 years ago
That's wrote "wakannai" <- that's mean i don't understand~ ^^a Uaghh~ more difficult than twitter~ T__T
Ashley says
15 years ago
you can response to other plurks you want me too "advertise" your account?so that you can have more friends here?
Kiza says
15 years ago
Ee really??? How to do that??? I really didn't understand at all~!!! Is that link just for update status???
Ashley says
15 years ago
uhhmmm...i'm just going to tell my friends here to add you...
Ashley says
15 years ago
there are fangirls here too
Kiza says
15 years ago
Eee?? really??? Ahh~!! I'm sorry to bothering you a lot~!! >___< but thx nee~ ^_^
Ashley says
15 years ago
i invited you its ok
Kiza says
15 years ago
@ Ashurii : Arigatoo naa~!!!! XDD
Ashley says
15 years ago
dou itashimashite
Kiza says
15 years ago
@ Donna : How to become a fan??? I'm sorry, but i really didn't understand how to use this~ T^T
Ashley says
15 years ago
click the "FOLLOW_____ plurk"
Ashley says
15 years ago
if you want to be friends with others click "ADD _____ as friend"
Kiza says
15 years ago
Aaah~ souka~ i'l try it now~!!! XDD sankyuu minna~
Ashley says
15 years ago
uki uki...welcome
Kiza says
15 years ago
I already sent my friend request~ XDD
Ashley says
15 years ago
i added you already
こんにちは~ 美雪です。ハハハ~ 初めてのPlurkのアカウント? :)
Kiza says
15 years ago
Yoroshiku Miyuki-chan~!! Kiza desu~ XDD Un, kore wa hajimete no plurk acc desu~!! yappa wakannai yo sore~ >__<
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