reese is
15 years ago
glad to have the *Dr. Who Theme* and *World Leader Pretend* when staring into the mouth of madness whilst on the edge of the abyss.
latest #18
15 years ago
wow. that's a mouthful
reese says
15 years ago
The situation is, too. They match up pretty well, but more on *THAT* when it's over.
15 years ago
oh I can't wait to hear
reese says
15 years ago
it involves one of the members of the Best Friend Triumvirate, Bipolar Disorder (in a manic phase, no meds), and religion. And road trips.
reese says
15 years ago
Sudden, spontaneous - I'm-knocking-on-your-door-can-I-crash-here-type spontaneous - road trips. *shudder*
15 years ago
oh fun
reese says
15 years ago
I forgot to mention - I'm also Bipolar, but I'm the caregiver in this situation, attempting to be the voice of reason.
reese says
15 years ago
It's not working.
reese says
15 years ago
Heeeee's heeeeeere!!!
15 years ago
oh fun. well you can pp me ifyou want/need to talk
reese says
15 years ago
Awesome because I think I'm SO gonna need a voice of sanity and reason just to reassure and ground me through this weekend. *gulp*
15 years ago
I'm here. and a psych major to boot
reese says
15 years ago
Me, too! Well, that's what my B.S. was in, at least . . . "Heal thyself", anyone? :-D
reese says
15 years ago
Okay, gotta run - they're heeeeereeee!
15 years ago
good luck
Muttley says
15 years ago
Worst case, steve's got those Dr Horrible gloves, and I think you guys have a crowbar... ;-)
Muttley says
15 years ago
nah stay good. you two look horrible in orange. Hope things work out.
reese says
15 years ago
They worked out okay-ish. It could've been a lot worse. I just wonder what has happened since 'X' left here. His poor wife! *sigh*
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