misshow thinks
15 years ago
she may need a bodyguard in school…because even the girls do throw punches…and punch real hard :'-(
latest #13
misshow says
15 years ago
hahaha great minds think alike! i did get the 2 kids to apologise to each other. i learned a new term fm them…SRL…it means SoRry Lah (LOL)
misshow says
15 years ago
btw, it was a girl who punched a boy :-&
misshow says
15 years ago
流氓教師遇上流氓學生 只能說是又愛又恨 當然我的班也是越鬧越大聲的一班囉! B-)
misshow says
15 years ago
昨天學生在校外對我扮鬼臉 我也回敬他一個鬼臉 (dance)
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