queenmaggie says
14 years ago
I'm coming to MDRF! Pirates weekend through Oktoberfest. I'll be working for the 'fest as Mother Lowe!
latest #15
ktnboo says
14 years ago
Yay! Hopefully, I will finally get to meet you!
el says
14 years ago
which weekend is that?
14 years ago
Well be there for Pirate weekend, not so much for Oktoberfest... Although you may see some people with plastic cups walking around on Sunday
∞sunni says
14 years ago
JustNet says
14 years ago
YAY indeed!
14 years ago
Planned to come down for Pirates weekend!
14 years ago
@el, it's the last weekend in September: the 26th and 27th. I'll be delighted to meet folks, and play freely. I may be dressed as a new
14 years ago
version of Mistress Mannerly that weekend, but I'm playing, not working. For the Oktoberfest, Mother Lowe will be an historically apropos
14 years ago
person to add consequence to Princess Anna Of Cleves, and (yay) I'll get paid.
el says
14 years ago
which weekend is Pirates weekend? Probably not the last one, right? Because that's when I'll be down.
14 years ago
last is well into october, pirate is last weekend september.
el says
14 years ago
I can't go anywhere in September. Oh, well.
14 years ago
the rest of us will still be there to welcome you, of course. on sunday around 5pm, watch for "the dead" as the danse macabre parade passes
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