ClareLane is
14 years ago
still trying to get the hang of plurk
latest #8
☆ stacy 8/2013 says
14 years ago
You'll get it. It's much easier than twitter. Just either ask a question or respond to one. Helps to introduce yourself a bit
☆ stacy 8/2013 says
14 years ago
so...I'm stacy from Haddonfield, NJ and I teach third grade
ktibbs says
14 years ago
Ask questions! We will be glad to help. Also check out the FAQ at the bottom right.
Merry says
14 years ago
it doesn't take long to be more comfortable with it - the more people you friend the more threads will show up on your timeline
Merry says
14 years ago
check people's profiles to find other people that have things in common with you and request them as friends
Merry says
14 years ago
everyone's so helpful - you'll be rolling along in no time!
bcarter says
14 years ago
A couple of people to go find would be KevinH and scarter. They both have lots of friends.
bcarter says
14 years ago
Just ask to be their friend and then you'll be able to see their friend list. It really starts to take shape after about 50.
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