but, but, but can't we have fun too!
of course, but having fun while at it.
that if we're always serious, we'll lose the kid side and then we'll just be boring adults talking about edubloggin, learning & other stuff.
not what Im saying at all. raising Karma represents a concern over being popular which signifies in it for wrong reasons!
Im as fun as the next guy, cant you tell
why do you think raising karma is about popularity? What about all those people on twitter who follow 1000's? Isn't that the same?
I follow a lot of people on Twitter because lots of people follow me. But I have to admit I have always wanted to be famous.
being famous might not be all it's cracked up to be - just look at all those famous stars - they have more trouble than
nnorris' 17 yr old!
kwhobbes, funny we are having same conversation on 2 sites, simultaneously but with slight differences
Hard to imagine KArma is designed for any other reason than to rank popularity, and that Plurk loves that people focus on it cuz means more
Im just saying, I wish people werent so concerned with trying to be popular.
Should be about quality of ideas you can contribute
that karma might be about getting some people involved but if they don't have anything to say, they soon are blocked away. It evolves to
being about the discussions and the networking. Just like twitter did for many people whom I follow. For some, it is a popularity thing,
just like blogging. They worry about their ranking and the # of visitors. I mean, even someone like
VickiDavis even mentions it - and she's
not about being popular. It's part of this social network just like technorati is part of blogging. Some worry about it, some don't!
I understand the technorati thing much more than the Karma thing. I have a lot of Karma and it really doesn't make any difference.
at least Technorati is some indication that people are reading what you have to say.
well, maybe. Isn't technorati based on the # of links to your site? If that is the case, you can have many readers but a low rating.
so those people who are popular get quoted more and have a high ranking or those who say controversial things have more links and a higher
mrplough07 is a little grumpy tonight.
Notice I added an emoticon that you can only use if you have >50 Karma
Just WISH people refocused, ask themselves "why am I saying this or doing this, why am I concerned about how many followers I have ? things
I mean, did people get into education to be popular?
ranking. Either way, it comes down to popularity. Not that popularity is bad, it is just what it is.
some people did! It was a way for them to have their egos grow and education was the only avenue that they could find to have that happen.
I tried to make it on Broadway, settled for education as my path to fame and fortune.
lizbdavis - that was nice
another >50 karma emoticon! I like your style!
but seriously I get what you are saying. I find it ironic that I have a lot of Karma since I really don't care about it.
I wanted to be a professional hockey player - didn't happen so here I am a principal.
and I agree that I want this to be a place to stretch my learning. The role of popularity is a tricky one.
lizdavis &
mrplough07, that's the point - the karma just happens. I don't care at all - well, except for the cool emoticons.
that is why I like being able to mute conversations.
but to be heard, you have to be somewhat popular or at least have enough to say so that others will continue to follow you and not block U!
I find the whole issue of "fame" within the edubloggosphere very interesting. Teaching is supposed to be a selfless profession.
been known to block those people who have nothing to add to the conversations at some point.
I think teachers tend to feel bad when they think too much about themselves. It has to be about the kids or it is selfish.
often thought that there is a big difference between what we do as teachers and the world of the edubloggosphere. They are not the same!
kwhobbes, its okay to have a high Karma if you dont care but when people post cuz they have raised it to certain levels, that seems wrong
that it is ironic that this conversation probably made
mrplough07 's Karma go up.
thats messed up, wasnt trying to say I hate
kwhobbes, purk messed with me
lizdavis, you are being funny tonight, stop making me giggle, Im grumpy, like you said
As a principal, I don't worry about getting credit for what happens as long as it is good for students. As a person, I do like credit
thanks for starting an interesting discussion. I have to go to bed now (it is really late here).
lizdavis, I agree it has to be about kids, thats why I called out fact edubloggers in our PLN were worried about popularity, go to myspace
5 straight days of learning (EBCE and BLC) makes a person pretty silly and keeps one up way too late.
it happens
Even if you did, it's all part of the world of the social network.
As for wanting popularity, if that is something that happens in a particular PLN, then, yes, I see your point! Those people shouldn't be
looking for popularity. They should be working together to build the network - helping one another learn and, in that way, helping students
both you and
lizbdavis are right, it's ALL about the kids!
Another interesting conversation Mr. KWhobbes, I have a new one
a new what? Conversation? Or emoticon?
A new conversation, I started a new post you already responded too. But not that you mention it, cool hang loose emoty