going to reply below to Katharine's comment concerning the plurk karma system, because the original thread is too far back in time
latest #25
Instead of saying plurk karma lacks "objectivity" I should have said it lacks subtlety, since any numerical rating system can be "objective"
Should someone like me, who reads & comments on Plurks almost every day, drop down to 0 karma simply because I fail to launch new plurks?
I read & chat on Plurk nearly every day, just avoid opening "new chat rooms" as you call it. So the scoring is crude if it gives me 0 karma
I would conclude that Plurk encourages heavy users and discourages light users - and that's vertical stretch
a "just" social system aims to bring up those at the bottom and moderate the consumption of those at the top - see John Rawls
you're right, they do discourage over-plurking, and they do give more points for plurks by those at the bottom
so plurk DOES embody characteristics of a just social system, I'm glad we discovered that
but there is still a problem, because someone who only reads & replies to other peoples' plurks drops down to zero karma,which seems unfair
they should at least be rewarded by having more points than someone who never even logs on
whatever reward there is for responding is microscopic, because when all I do is respond to others, my karma falls towards zero
whereas this one single plurk, with your replies, boosted my karma back up to almost 5
Karma could count replies made over time & give some points accordingly. Maybe it wants to limit replies, using them to measure popularity
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