im ok. its been a crazy day..(and night)..but ... how are you?
okay, mostly, i had an encounter with an angry driver and i'm still feeling shaky
Oh no!! Im sorry!
..were you alone?
no the kids were in the car, which made it worse, youknow, the whole, don't mess with my kids thing
omg. i am so pissed for you..and worried... i wish i could hug you for real
i would probably start crying if you hugged me. it's over, but i can't stop shaking
its ok to cry, was scary. take a few deep breaths..
he was on a motor cycle, started following me, kept yelling at me
well i did do something, but there was no way it affected him in any way,
...even so, that doesnt warrant his actions..
no, it doesn't, i mean i understand, that i made a very small mistake, but it didn't hurt anyone or anything
but then he decided to terrorize me
i am so so so sorry. he didnt follow you home did he?
no i started driving to the police station and then i called steve on the phone
i think seeing me on the phone made him think i was calling the police
good move! bless your heart.
anyway, how was your day?
crazy...just crazy.. lol...but i care more about you right this moment. want to help you calm a bit.
this is helping. i just don't know if i've ever felt so scared
i didn't know what to do and i didn't know what he was going to do
hurts my heart for you. when steve gets home, let him hold you (and go ahead and cry in his arms) will fill very secure & safe then
i know, i will. i've had to call him a few times, poor guy
aww he loves you, and he is there for you... its ok.
yes, i suppose you're right
you poor thing! I'm just getting caught up. How scary!
thanks, yes it was. so much so that i'm still feeling a bit shaky
that adrenaline thing is something else
my lady coworker was taught to drive to a firestation. They are always manned and are pretty plentiful. I'm sorry someone terrorized you.
firestation, that would work too