Mayor McCheese feels
16 years ago
like a fucking lab rat who has to plurk in order to get the feed bar to drop out some more karma. What am I letting the internet do to me?
latest #8
sahiko says
16 years ago
All for the chance to change your virtual name on a virtual site where everyone already knows who you are!
Mayor McCheese
16 years ago
I am concerned my priorities and the priorities of my generation might be a bit.... skewed.
sahiko says
16 years ago
Really? The priorities of an OMG MY TOP 8 MYSPACE FRIENDS generation might be a bit off? :-)
sahiko says
16 years ago
facebook zombie addons are this generation's 'forward this chain letter to 10 of your friends for luck!'
sahiko says
16 years ago
Because I bet you no one our age would ever do that, but we don't hesitate to make sure our friends try the latest Harry Potter quiz
Mayor McCheese
16 years ago
I would point out I do, and that behavior is actually one of the reasons I don't check facebook. Yet, your point still remains.
that grrl soup
16 years ago
Ha. You are letting it screw you up the hoopajoo
sahiko says
16 years ago
I have 500 zombie garden ninja requests and it has made me stop checking mine, too. Not even for scrabulous.
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