doshdosh says
16 years ago
I don't often post digg links but this is freaky. A 2001 Onion story predicts what U.S under Bush will be like.
latest #14
doshdosh says
16 years ago
Im going to be reading the Onion more carefully now. Sometimes satire is amazingly prescient.
biggboss says
16 years ago
onion dugg
Konstantino says
16 years ago
I said it on twitter already, but holy crap.
doshdosh says
16 years ago
yeah holy crap indeed :-)
16 years ago
dugg :-)
Natitude says
16 years ago
seriously.. that's just plain freaky... I guess I should be paying more attention to the onion lol
GemStar38 says
16 years ago
wow! dugg
doshdosh says
16 years ago
Its even published on jan 2001, before 9/11 even happened. So ironic.
iPeety™ says
16 years ago
very ironic..
16 years ago
dugg, and wow!! scary on point!
shotokan says
16 years ago
that is really freaky.
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