to call it a night, but still have some work to do--Put together the breakout choices for KSDC Nov. 4. Hope to see you all there.
latest #12
what is going on at KSDC this year?
The fall institute will be focused on building strong school cultures through expanded leadership.
We've got presentations that will address student, teacher, building and district leadership as well as the work of PLCs
if they are looking for presenters?
Additionally, we don't want to leave out the technology tools at our disposal so a few of those are included
Melinda Stanley had e-mailed me about the KS Discovery Education Leadership Council coming to Topeka for some conference and present.
The program will be coming out soon -- as soon as I can narrow the proposals.
the reason I was asking about presentations was due to the possibility of doing something on LoTi.
If you are willing to submit something ASAP, I could use that particular presentation to balance out the options
actually, now that I re-read her e-mail she is wanting us for October 26-27.
where do I go to submit a proposal?
what the length of the preso should be?
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