Nevaeh Black
15 years ago
My RL grandma is sick so I'll be MIA for awhile..I'll miss everyone. :-D hugs all around.
latest #8
Nevaeh Black
15 years ago
It's not good abbys..not good at all..we were told she has a few weeks at the most. :-(
Nevaeh Black
15 years ago
Thank you abbys soooo much
❥JamieJo will
15 years ago
be thinking of you all too! Hope she will be ok *huggies*
Nevaeh Black
15 years ago
Thank you sooo much jamie :-D
♔ Dolly♔ says
15 years ago
hugs and good wishes my nevi love you xoxo
Nevaeh Black
15 years ago
Ty ty so much mommy dolly. Gives you a big hug. :-)
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