DennisA says
15 years ago
about to start last Google Apps training of the summer.
latest #9
DennisA says
15 years ago
have had a good turn out the last four weeks.
Envirobear says
15 years ago
good luck! My new district uses google apps and we made the switch last weekend. still learning the basics :0
dmantz7 says
15 years ago
we will conduct Google Apps training on the 17th. I will have to pick your brain on what you did.
norwichscience says
15 years ago
sorry I couldn't make the training. Been on the road a lot this summer!
mtilley says
15 years ago
dennisa: can you tell me more about how you are using google apps district wide....
Envirobear says
15 years ago
sure, we use google as our district webpage and all district communication goes through's the site:
DennisA says
15 years ago
We are using google apps for teacher email, calendar, and docs. We are using it for our student email, calendar and docs as well.
DennisA says
15 years ago
google apps will be the only means for our grades 6-8 1:1 laptop program for creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
DennisA says
15 years ago
I hope to move away from desktop based office suites such as m$ office and openoffice. We will see how it goes.
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