Off to finish an Open Realty site today. Last OR site I do; switching hereafter to MODx+RETS.
latest #16
Okay that shouldn't have been a question.
It looks interesting. Maybe for agent sites. Some brokers can be cheap. Canadian RE is waaaay different than US. US very decentralized.
Canadian RE market very tightly knit due to single major RE listings site. Consumers to broker rel is not as necessary here.
I like the idea of it for my site though. And I have an idea for a client.
I do find that there is too much info on the page. I need a 2 sentence benefit statement at the top. I glazed over at the content.
Not saying the volume is bad just there needs to be an initial hook to get me to read on. Not to mention it me's all over itself.
Where is the cutomer in the copy? It should be written as if you are explaining it to one prospect across a table. The "What's in it for me"
...needs to be the first thing. Plus the ratio of Product/Co mentions to "you" is 7:5. 1:1 should be the minimum ideal 3:4 is even better.
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