I still like Twitter too. I think there are different uses/functions of each (for me at least).
What do you use it for? I've had trouble finding friends and my tweets get buried since I've got such different daylight hours.
Hmm. Just to post random things I find interesting. To get links to PD/Ustreams. Goofy things. I initially found many blogs that way. Now...
it's just a place to see what everyone's up to and get ideas.
That's true, I do find a lot of new blogs via tweets from others reading a good post. I like how Plurk creates threads.
On Twitter, sometimes I'll respond to something from hours ago, but it's hard to do with a @ message and get read.
But I am passing very early judgment.
Yeah... Twitter takes a while to get. And I think everyone "gets" it differently.
One person (on both) from whom I learn a lot is
budtheteacher. He is amazing.
He is amazing. He got me blogging 3 years ago. Came and presented to my methods class at CSU.
He was the one who pushed me to blog (via Twitter!) I was tweeting before blogging.
So I log on and see that two people that I learn from are making a connection. "Cool," I think.
Then I discover kind words about me. Thanks, y'all.
Cool isn't it? I love the interconnectedness of it all. One never knows what those pebbles we drop will do.
Never would have gotten involved in all this tech if u hadn't come to our class, Bud. It's definitely enriched my development as a teacher.
bleckley: I'm pleased that you've become a trusted voice in my network.
the biggest thing I still like about Twitter is the DM via cell and SMS support for non-iPhone folk. Raises hand pitifully.
Plurk does rock
bleckley when you say CSU do you mean in Colorado?
yeah, Colorado State in Fort Collins. How do you guys get the hyperlink on user names? Do you use an @?
bleckley are you from CO? that's where I live now.
yeah, I grew up in the Denver area, pretty close to where you are now. My dad works for Cunningham Fire, which covers some of Centennial.
and there you are in South Africa now. wow, small world...
and i'm thinking of taking a trip to rocky mtn. national park and denver