CherllieRYL has
15 years ago
to redo her EOM, **** it (angry)
latest #6
linglovesyou says
15 years ago
relax. haha. redo can improve de.
CherllieRYL says
15 years ago
but the thing is that my teacher only tell me that my EOM is not related to my grpproject when
CherllieRYL says
15 years ago
grp's project when the deadline for EOM is this friday. WTH.
linglovesyou says
15 years ago
wah. okay chill. i've 3 tests tmr and i'm still mugging..
linglovesyou says
15 years ago
and out of the 3 tests 2 of them is testing whole syllabus. tmd.
CherllieRYL says
15 years ago
wah ok. siao eh, whole syllabus.
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