danton has
16 years ago
Karma equal to 0.00! w00t! And falling!
latest #22
16 years ago
offers congratulations :-D
16 years ago
*grins* I think there's lots of people in this forum whose actual worth far exceeds their karma so I wouldn't bother too much about that! :-)
16 years ago
isn't one of those
Moggs says
16 years ago
before she pops to bed that she bets Tenebrous friends might say otherwise (at least behind yiour back!)
16 years ago
smiles ... thanks :-D now to go sleep hehe
Moggs says
16 years ago
meep! and runs off laughing to bed.
Madame Maracas thinks
16 years ago
that takes talent!
Mrs Schwarzman feels
16 years ago
danton might be the first person to reach negative Plurk karma levels.
Mrs Schwarzman thinks
16 years ago
it cannot, but if it ever does, danton will be the first to know ;-)
danton says
16 years ago
thanks to this plurk and your replies I'm back up to 1.69 :-)
16 years ago
but I do think the Plurk algorith is the pits - I never "mark all as read", I add a few replies now and then, and I even plurk occasionally
16 years ago
and for all my efforts I'm rewarded with karma that varies between 0.00 and a ceiling of 5.00, which I've never reached
16 years ago
other than being designed just to push you to consume (as the rest of our society), the plurk algorithm is an example of vertical stretch
16 years ago
a merely average participation goes totally unrewarded, and only the power users get adequate recognition
16 years ago
just as 90% of the population consumes 10% of the resources, and the top 10% consume all the rest - inequality is exaggerated beyond reason
16 years ago
I deliberately ignore karma, I'm in this for the information I can pick up. But I'm just observing how it works.
16 years ago
Maybe, but I still think my plurk karma measured on a more objective scale would be significantly higher than 1.59 - that's vertical stretch
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