OneZahir wants
15 years ago
u & her to make use of today, the last day of July !
latest #184
woshibakun says
15 years ago
so special?
OneZahir says
15 years ago
yes it the last day of July !
OneZahir says
15 years ago
tomorrow is a NEW month wor hehehe (LOL)
veggiebun says
15 years ago
hhaa.. like taht also is a reason?
woshibakun says
15 years ago
OneZahir says
15 years ago
cannot meh ? any reason also can mah
sport says
15 years ago
who is u & her? (wave)
joulius says
15 years ago
hmm..last day of july..very special ar? :-D
OneZahir says
15 years ago
sport, onezahir wants U & her to make use ...
OneZahir says
15 years ago
yeah very special ! theres only ONE (1) day that is the last of July 2009 ..
OneZahir says
15 years ago
is there any other day that is the same ??
veggiebun says
15 years ago
who is is U & her? your new gf ah? haha
OneZahir says
15 years ago
READ the whole sentence !! Zahir wants U *as in whoever reads this* and her .... duh ! :-& *faint lar*
veggiebun says
15 years ago
but who is her?
joulius says
15 years ago
hahaha... (LOL)
OneZahir says
15 years ago
eerrbs .. tat one cannot tell lar !!
joulius says
15 years ago
why cannot tell?? you faster go create a private thread and tell la :-P
OneZahir says
15 years ago
no names in the OPEN thread !!! (angry)
joulius says
15 years ago
*piak* then you just delete it's your thread ma..
958 says
15 years ago
veggiebun says
15 years ago
yeah who is it?
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
who is 958??? E radio station??
OneZahir says
15 years ago
ooopss virus 958 ?
joulius says
15 years ago
got virus 958 meh?
veggiebun says
15 years ago
i now set my plurk to private to friends already
joulius says
15 years ago
i think i shd do the same..
joulius says
15 years ago
let me yin gao first.. :-D
veggiebun says
15 years ago
yeah lor.. better set
OneZahir says
15 years ago
how to set leh .. where where ??
joulius says
15 years ago
set already! just go to MY Account and privacy tab
OneZahir says
15 years ago
OneZahir says
15 years ago
hmm on second thought .. let is be lar .. so that i can hv fans following me ;-)
joulius says
15 years ago
i don't think anyone knows me on plurk except you ppl
veggiebun says
15 years ago
so who is her???
joulius says
15 years ago
hahahha...zahir please put veg out of her misery and answer the question of the day! is it a general her or specific her??
veggiebun says
15 years ago
i think must be specific one lor.. the one that currently resides in her heart haha
joulius says
15 years ago
i wonder who? :-)) zahir! stop being so secretive!
OneZahir says
15 years ago
its just a simple statement asking u ALL to make us of the day BUT Veg turn it to be so complicated wt so many versions of her !
OneZahir says
15 years ago
IT IS A GENERAL HER .. no specific one
joulius says
15 years ago
hahaha..finally! the answer of the century!
veggiebun says
15 years ago
but who is her??
veggiebun says
15 years ago
asking me and my friend to make use of today??
OneZahir says
15 years ago
YES !!! tat simple ... u n me !
veggiebun says
15 years ago
what u n me pulak??
veggiebun says
15 years ago
you said you and her leh...
joulius says
15 years ago
joulius says
15 years ago
veg..stop thinking too much (woot)
veggiebun says
15 years ago
heheh.. i wanna see can kek sei zahir or not :-P
joulius says
15 years ago
i think she already blow a blood vessel! wahahahha (LOL)
veggiebun says
15 years ago
hahaa.... see whether got and "taurus" in her or not
joulius says
15 years ago
luckily she's not hainanese!! hahahha
veggiebun says
15 years ago
haha.a. what is she?
joulius says
15 years ago
cantonese if i'm not mistaken
veggiebun says
15 years ago
oic.. so she is char siew pao? hahah
joulius says
15 years ago
cantonese is char siew pao meh? hehehe
veggiebun says
15 years ago
haha... i give one.. haha.. coz they said teochew red backside, hainanese bad temper
joulius says
15 years ago
but char siew pao is not a weakness ma...hahaha it's quite nice
veggiebun says
15 years ago
haha... yeah hor... hahaha
veggiebun says
15 years ago
then we call her lo mai kai lah.. haha
joulius says
15 years ago
hahaha what is so bad about lo mai kai? high cholesterol ar? :-D
veggiebun says
15 years ago
haha.. yeah! and kai is not a good name :-P
joulius says
15 years ago
hahaha..chicken no good name ar?
veggiebun says
15 years ago
yea yeah... nobody likes to be called chicken :-P
joulius says
15 years ago
hehehe if ppl want to challenge me by calling me chicken..they sure fail one..i don't care one :-D
veggiebun says
15 years ago
hehe... why would anyone call you chicken?
joulius says
15 years ago
normally when ppl want to challenge you..they will say..what's the matter? chicken?? hahaha
veggiebun says
15 years ago
hehee.... but lo mai kai so delicious, like not rude enough hor?
joulius says
15 years ago
yeah la! i think food is not keng enough la.. (woot)
veggiebun says
15 years ago
then what should we call the cantonese ah? haha
joulius says
15 years ago
ermm ermm...dunno la..not sure of their characteristics
veggiebun says
15 years ago
siu mai?
veggiebun says
15 years ago
joulius says
15 years ago
siu mai also very nice la.. (LOL)
joulius says
15 years ago
my fav is ha kau!
veggiebun says
15 years ago
eee.. har kau not nice one lah.. weird prawn taste
joulius says
15 years ago
hehehe i like prawn ma..but the HK dim sum don't have the sweet sauce not that nice :-D
veggiebun says
15 years ago
eh? dun have meh?? i thoght got
joulius says
15 years ago
those that i went to don't have wor..even UK HK dimsum also don't have..damn stupid one
joulius says
15 years ago
all they have is chilli oil.. :-&
veggiebun says
15 years ago
oh?? like that... but chili oil also nice
veggiebun says
15 years ago
however, i am quite afraid to eat food in HK now already..
joulius says
15 years ago
coz they get the ingredients from china?
joulius says
15 years ago
then eat what when you go HK?
veggiebun says
15 years ago
yeah, i also dunno.. maybe bring my own instant noodles haha
joulius says
15 years ago
hahahha..can save money!
veggiebun says
15 years ago
yeah, and save my tummy haah
joulius says
15 years ago
hmm..actually i don't find HK food that exciting...or maybe last time i follow the stupid tour..that's why food not so good?
veggiebun says
15 years ago
their sai tosi with condensed milk is very nice
veggiebun says
15 years ago
haha.. acutlaly anything with condensed milk is very nice! :-P
joulius says
15 years ago
what is sai tosi?
joulius says
15 years ago
i like the po lo bun with butter and wan tan mee!
veggiebun says
15 years ago
French toast --- sai tosi haha
joulius says
15 years ago
oh i time must try!
joulius says
15 years ago
the last time i went there..i was looking for chao tofu to see whether it's really smelly or not..but can't find la
veggiebun says
15 years ago
i found a stall at mongkok but the stall looked so dirty that i dared not try
OneZahir says
15 years ago
char siew poa lo mai kai har kao siu mai wantan sui kao sai tosi nai cha teh si mut chao tofu kari yue tan yuen yang nga chap chu par fan
OneZahir says
15 years ago
HALO ! ! ! ! (angry)
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
den go yum cha
joulius says
15 years ago make me hungry la!
joulius says
15 years ago
and don't get upset..must practise patience!
958 says
15 years ago
哦!我的天,我怎么被人家误会成virus 958 :-&
veggiebun says
15 years ago
hhhaha.... zahir. you want us to call you what then? cao tao fu?? hahha
joulius says
15 years ago
hahahha cao tao fu! can also! she sure (angry) one!
veggiebun says
15 years ago
haha.. yeah yeah!! cantonese cao tao fu!!
joulius says
15 years ago
hahaha finally! after thinking one whole day
veggiebun says
15 years ago
yeah! so suitable... hahahha nice to call ppl such name!!! Stinky beancurd
joulius says
15 years ago
you so evil today la..hahahha
joulius says
15 years ago
i think is coz of your new smileys
veggiebun says
15 years ago
(devil) (rofl)
veggiebun says
15 years ago
hehe.. nice smileys! :-P
joulius says
15 years ago
i'm still stuck with this (dance) hahaha
veggiebun says
15 years ago
hehe... sitll need to blow more water lah..
OneZahir says
15 years ago
chao tofu ? is my fav .. while in Taiwan / China I always go for chao tofu !
OneZahir says
15 years ago
veggiebun says
15 years ago
hehe.. good.. glad you like us to call you cao tao fu... haha
OneZahir says
15 years ago
wat ever makes u happy lor ... I want to learn how to blow water hehehehe
veggiebun says
15 years ago
hahaa... ok... come blow more often... tonight i think Joul can accompany you.. she wanna get 50 karma pts :-P
OneZahir says
15 years ago
958 ?? who r u ?
OneZahir says
15 years ago
ohhh me 2 me 2 i want more icons !!!
joulius says
15 years ago
yeah la! veg is very lan si showing off her icons! hahahha
OneZahir says
15 years ago
why my karma never increase want ?? my hao sui almost gone liou
OneZahir says
15 years ago
must drink more water now
joulius says
15 years ago
patience! tomorrow when they update then will increase lor
OneZahir says
15 years ago
OneZahir says
15 years ago
tomorrow . die of thirst liou !
joulius says
15 years ago
then you complain to the plurk buddy la :-P
OneZahir says
15 years ago
who ? which buddy ?
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
I ate once in SG dunno where but i felt tat it taste like rubbish
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
OneZahir says
15 years ago
wat rubbish ?? its TASTY !
woshibakun says
15 years ago
i have a really keen sense of smell. can't take chou tou fu at all!
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
my fre said her mouth smell like rubbish bin after e chou ou fu
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
i also felt tat tooo when we went to eat
joulius says
15 years ago
hahaha...i think i just want to go smell whether it smells really bad or not..not sure whether i can put it in my mouth :-D
OneZahir says
15 years ago
huh u hv not try before ??
OneZahir says
15 years ago
then i wan to see ur expresion
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
is true!!! Taste like rubbish bin
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
maybe next time ask MM to try den tell u guys... but i dun think she dares to try
OneZahir says
15 years ago
ITS TASTY .. just like durian .. u either love it or hate it !!
OneZahir says
15 years ago
i hate durian but i love petai !
OneZahir says
15 years ago
and i love chao tofu .. i go china i taste all their varieties !
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
OneZahir says
15 years ago
well ?? i dun like durian
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
i like durian... but u dun like durian is becoz of a story ma...
OneZahir says
15 years ago
yeah .. durian abuse heheheh .....
joulius says
15 years ago
whoa! why today so many stories?? TELL TELL!
joulius says
15 years ago
i haven't tried chao tau fu before coz can't find it everytime i go HK
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
come SG to try la.. hhahaaa..
OneZahir says
15 years ago
HK hv to goto women market lar but not good anymore, not stinky anymore
OneZahir says
15 years ago
no urmh lar
OneZahir says
15 years ago
SG got meh ?
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
hv... i ate it in sg
OneZahir says
15 years ago
ohh okok next round i go SG ok ??
woshibakun says
15 years ago
can go temple st? i tink still have
woshibakun says
15 years ago
sg one is the taiwan chau tou fu
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
Nope... MM is wrong. E owner is frm HK
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
she did not went therefore she dunno :-P
OneZahir says
15 years ago
hahah MM dun blow water ah !
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
no... she did not... coz she tot is taiwan but is Hk
OneZahir says
15 years ago
but Taiwan chao tofu in nice !! got soup base n deep fried .. the soup base one is super stinky !
OneZahir says
15 years ago
but i like cos its really "kao"
woshibakun says
15 years ago
no lah i was tinking of those pasar malam and tt time got taiwan one at a fair in bugis mah
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
hehee... not tat...
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
is e one tat i went wif xinying
woshibakun says
15 years ago
joulius says
15 years ago
soupy chao tau fu?! ookkk...that is beyond me already...if fried and put chilli sauce maybe still ok
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
also hv e fried one...
OneZahir says
15 years ago
taiwan got soup one .. most is deep fried lar
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
sg also hv e soup one... coz my fre hao lian... ordered a lot to try
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
in e end... taste like rubbish dun dare to eat (LOL)
joulius says
15 years ago
wahahhaa but then i don't know how rubbish taste like wor
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
hhahaaa... u wanna know??/ I teach u
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
when e rubbish truck is here, take a DEEP breath... then u know how it taste (LOL)
OneZahir says
15 years ago
ohhh really ? got soup aso in SG ???
OneZahir says
15 years ago
kakakakak so bad ! no lar not that bad lar ... smellsss nice
joulius says
15 years ago
long time never see rubbish truck already hehehe..usually not at home
joulius says
15 years ago
but enough with the rubbish soup talk! spoiling my appetite only
hester_0083 says
15 years ago
OneZahir says
15 years ago
alamak .. hungry wor !
joulius says
15 years ago's 2am..time for you to sleep need to eat :-D
OneZahir says
15 years ago
yeah going to sleep hungry *krue krue krue*
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