♥ , Chanel is
15 years ago
finally back , :-)
latest #7
tengy says
15 years ago
remind me i owe you money!!
♥ , Chanel says
15 years ago
Lols , nvm uhs , ;-)
♥ , Chanel says
15 years ago
Anyways , cn ask u tml dance meeting wat time eh ?
tengy says
15 years ago
immediately after school. must remind me okay!! owe you money. $.$
♥ , Chanel says
15 years ago
erm , but i tot different levels different timing ? Just go after the timing u release isit ?
tengy says
15 years ago
no. 1245. Friday all 1245 end ma. she was saying that Wednesday lower sec cannot late cos you guys release earlier than us
♥ , Chanel says
15 years ago
ohs , icic , okok , tys :-)
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