Lol. Jealousy is such an evil thing ;o. Some people just can't handle competition.
haha your aunts mama did Je
I do have to say and Ill say it to all of you because IM NOT SCARED. You all are a bunch of crazy LADIES
<3 I love lambs hair textures and prim work. I dont know either of them BUT WHAT I DO KNOW
as a truthful person and my opinion THEY LOOK SIMILAR
Stop bitching about people saying posh COPIED
cause they never said that
and stop being so damn cheeky when you're doing the same thing lamb and them were doing to posh. Both parties look stupid
look kenzie i googled today ponytails and got few famous chicks wearing that hairstyle
not to mention i m wearin it in rl
Its what you're fighting about!! SHE COPIED... no she never said that. SHES RACIST... she knows me. I'm black. Does she hate me now?
these two chicks made their own version of something wats rl trend hairstyle at the time and all the rest is kindergarden
And you guys should stop personally attacking fran. I dont like the guy, hell I dispise him
it's brutal to go on plurk and call him a chick
my best friends are black and gay
so i dk wat youre talking about
The only one who has a right to be mean as fuck to fran is ana
my mothers aunts baba s name is fran, are we talking about Her
Uhh Jeanie? He got me kicked out of my 1/4 of a sim rental. He was a huge dick to me and never knew when to shut his mouth
but the fact is if I had the meantest shit to say about you and your real life
I wouldnt say it out of respect
so, you all should stop being so fucking immature and grow up
you killed the whole topic with your constant name calling and rants. It's not even a discussion because you girls are going nuts about it
Be an adult. Let posh and lame work it out
im just saying all of this because, ana's getting the shitty end of the stick now
because all of you are getting worked up about it
I agree with you Jeanie, you may not have COPIED... but the bottom line is they look similar
and that's it chicka
That's all you gotta do. Stand your ground look like the better man and eject, ban them from your store
But your friends are making it wrose because they're going nuts about it and arent being professional <3
Boooo, whatevs. I'm over it; people are rude, i'm rude. they made a scene, we made a scene. the dramatic SL atmosphere is balanced now.
eye for a eye. boo', whitey. :[
There yea go ana. that's exactly what im saying